Original G60 body halves are reworked.
We convert your G60 loader to G65. You will receive exactly the housing sent to us as G65.
You send us your complete G60 charger and you will receive a G65 charger in the AT. You will also receive the old G60 displacer back.Version with MAGNESIUM displacer
You send us your complete G60 loader and you will receive a G65 loader in exchange. You will also receive the old G60 displacer back.
Original G60 casing halves are reworked. Version with magnesium displacer
Original G60 body halves are reworked. Version with MAGNESIUM - displacer + NEW housing
Completely new housing!Magnesium displacer
We convert your G60 supercharger to G65. You will receive the exact casing sent to us as a G65. Version with magnesium displacer
You send us your complete G60 loader and then receive a G65 loader in the AT. version with magnesium - displacer