Single shaft seal / Simmerring for the displacer. Suitable for G40 and G60 G-chargers.
dimensions: 30 - 42 - 5.5/6
Using the latest machinery and production techniques, we have developed a shaft seal that meets the requirements of the G-loader. Our WDR is in no way inferior to the original from Goetze.
- Material and dimensions as original
- Simmerring from Goetze - improved especially for G loaders
- twisted
- pressure stabilised and stepped
Our shaft sealing ring has been successfully on the market since 2008! So it is probably the best alternative to the original Götze - WDRs, which have unfortunately become very expensive.
In addition, the original sealing rings still on the market have now aged over 10 years.
for G40 and G60 G-Lader to fix the WDRs in the displacer for extremely small loader wheels
special Loctite for the fixation of radial shaft seals in the G-charger
for G40 and G60 G-Lader to fix the WDRs in the displacer for extremely small loader wheels
Torrington 10-6879A Main bearing for displacer - G60 only
Main bearing displacer - G40 only
new G60 displacer made of aluminium 7075 incl. new absorber weight
Set of sealing rings for G40 and G60 G-Lader
special Loctite for the fixation of radial shaft seals in the G-charger
Original Sintimid sealing strips in beige for G40 and G60 G-chargers, video instructions
Timing belt for the G-Lader in 11,5mm for G40 and G60
Auxiliary shaft bearings for G40 and G60, identical bearing type to the original bearings
Set of sealing rings for G40 and G60 G-Lader
Main bearing displacer - G40 only
special Loctite for the fixation of radial shaft seals in the G-charger